What languages do you work with?
Our linguists work in more than 20 languages (check out the complete list here). Our largest volume of projects are in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
Why work with a translation agency like interpreting and not just hire a freelance translator or interpreter directly?
1. Reliability: rather than one person, there is an entire team making sure we deliver on time, on point, and respond promptly when unexpected events occur.
2. We match the assignment to the person, paying close attention to subject expertise, native language, culture, accent, and other relevant details (one person can not be expert and native in all topics and languages).
3. All translations are revised by an equally native peer, ensuring the consistent quality that sets us apart.
4. Years of experience at your service via our language strategy consultants.
5. 24/7 customer service: from the quoting stage to post-delivery, we’re here for you.
Are translation and interpretation the same?
While both convert one language to another, translation refers to written information whereas interpreting refers to spoken language. While both tasks require full professional proficiency, they demand completely different skills and tools, which is why not all translators are interpreters, and vice versa. So saying “I’m looking for a Spanish to Portuguese translation of my new company website” is completely different to saying, “I’m looking for an English to Spanish interpreter for business meetings in Bogotá”!
Who are your interpreters/translators?
We’re proud to say that our translators and interpreters are some of the best in the game! interpreting has a stringent recruitment process and we work internally with our language experts to ensure constant feedback and professional development. Many of our linguists have professional accreditations from national and international accreditation agencies such as ATA (USA), ACTTI (Colombia), ATIEC (Ecuador), NAATI (Australia), AIIC (international), and WASLI (international) to name but a few. Meet the team.
Most professional interpreters and translators have roots in and connections to more than one culture so they’re not only linguistic masters but also fluent in cultural nuance. This enables them to do much more than merely translate words and instead communicate intent to ensure seamless communication.
Can you provide interpretation/translation for all different topics and subjects?
We specialize in niche topics (click here to see a list of some of our specialty areas for interpretation and translation) and always match translators and interpreters to your specific needs. Our in-house glossaries are also available for all covered subjects.
Who will manage my project?
Your project will be managed by one of our experienced Language Strategy Consultants or Language Project Managers who offer customer support in both Spanish and English. Amongst them they have thousands of flight hours of experience in complex multilingual projects and remote/hybrid events. Your project manager’s experience will also shine when it comes to your personalized consultation needs to answer any questions you might have, make suggestions on how best to run your event or project, and identify any possible pitfalls in time.
This human expertise is supported by our bespoke business management software, which helps manage all the necessary workflows, agendas, and assignments to make sure things run smoothly.
Where do you work?
Interpreting’s HQ is in Cartagena, Colombia, and we have on-site interpreters, equipment, and tech staff across Colombia’s main cities–Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena, and Barranquilla.
● Colombia: Within Colombia we’ve covered events all the way from Leticia to San Andres.
● International: We’ll never say no to travel if that’s what our clients need and have covered onsite interpretation events around the Americas and in the Caribbean. Our team members have their paperwork (passports and visas) in order to take off at a moment’s notice.
● Remote and hybrid services: We’re experienced in seamlessly connecting teams across the globe via remote simultaneous interpretation and remote/hybrid event production.
Do you offer discounts?
Discounts may be offered for high-volume translation projects, subtitling projects with multiple or long videos, or interpreting events that run over several days, weeks, or months. We may not be able to offer such savings for tight deadlines or last minute requests.
How do I pay?
We accept the following payment methods for national clients:
- Bank transfer to Itaú or Bancolombia
- Credit card (+2.5% fee to be paid by client)
- Direct debit or PSE (Colombian payment system)
We accept the following payment methods for international clients:
- International wire transfer
- Credit card (+2.5% fee to be paid by client)
- PayPal (+5.5% fee to be paid by client)
Note: we offer VAT exemption for international clients when services are rendered remotely and used exclusively outside Colombia.
What’s the advantage of simultaneous interpretation?
With professional simultaneous interpretation you can optimize your time (real time interpretation means no pauses or repetitions are required for translation), ensure that communication flows without interruptions, simultaneously translate into multiple languages in real time, and minimize the possibility of details being lost in translation.
What’s the difference between simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation?
Simultaneous interpretation takes place in real time, i.e., the interpreter renders the message at the same time that the speaker is talking. It is the most common interpretation type used because it enables a seamless, complete, and invisible translation. Both speakers and attendees get the sense of communicating directly, without intermediaries or interruptions, and valuable time is saved.
In consecutive interpretation, the speakers pause after each sentence or two to allow the interpreter to render the message in the required language. Consecutive interpretation works for some smaller settings and, while an effective method, is not the most efficient in terms of time or interruptions.
More comparative information on simultaneous, consecutive and whispered (chuchotage) interpretation here.
Why are two interpreters needed if I only need interpretation for one meeting/room?
Interpretation is a highly skilled, mentally taxing job, which places “high demands on both language control (i.e., source language not interfering in target language production) and processing control (i.e., multi-tasking carried out in concert under time pressure)” (Cambridge).
The pressure an interpreter faces is comparable with the levels of stress and concentration required by air traffic controllers.
Cognitive load studies have taught us that “the amount of cognitive load generated by a particular task has direct consequences on our task performance. Although we are able to increase mental effort to match an increase in demand to a certain extent, once we reach the limits of our mental capacity, our performance declines” (AIIC).
By booking two interpreters (as per international best practices) you ensure that:
- you avoid interpreter fatigue
- the quality of interpretation is optimum (clarity, accuracy, vocabulary, tone)
- the stand-by interpreter provides support to the active interpreter (researchingvocabulary, displaying reference material, correcting errors)And all of this adds up to a seamless and high quality service.
An exception can be made for shorter sessions (under 2 hours for in-person sessions or under 1 hour for remote sessions) so long as the speaker speed is moderate, the subject matter is not highly technical, and there is no risk of the session running over time.
How can I translate a video to another language?
There are several options, depending on your needs, preferences, and budget. The following description ranges from least to most demanding (in terms of steps, complexity, and cost):
- Recorded interpretation. A recording of simultaneous interpretation over video done by our expert interpreters in the target language. Efficient in terms of time and cost but not to be confused with dubbing.
- Subtitling. Subtitling offers multiple advantages: the original voice/s can still be heard, attendees can choose from among multiple language subtitles (if applicable), and a more polished, error free translation (since it’s not done in real-time). Steps involved:
transcription in the original language, translation into your desired target language/s, time stamp alignment, subtitles and/or video export in the format of your preference.
- Dubbing. This option is the lengthiest and most costly of the three, but the end result too will be polished and error free: a recording by a dubbing artist performing a pre-translated script over the original video. Steps involved: transcription in the original language, translation into your desired target language/s, studio recording by a dubbing artist (multiple takes), voice segments alignment by sound engineer.
If my event starts late and, as a result, goes overtime, will I still be billed the extra time?
Our interpreters pride themselves on always being ready to go at a scheduled event time. In fact, they always arrive at the onsite location or connect to a remote event at least 30 minutes in advance in order to run thorough sound checks. Therefore, if your event starts late due to guests arriving late or other circumstances and as a result your event ends up running overtime, we will charge you for any extra hour/s in accordance with the programmed schedule.
Remote simultaneous interpretation
What is remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI)?
RSI is the solution for conducting online or hybrid meetings, events, conferences, or webinars when multiple languages are used. Interpreters connect remotely—alongside speakers and participants—to ensure interpretation is available in each of the languages required. Participants can then listen to everything in their own language, allowing you to reach a much broader audience.
interpreting offers RSI solutions for all main video conferencing platforms, as well as for YouTube, streaming platforms, and via an app.
What platforms or software do you work with?
We offer multilingual solutions that integrate with all platforms—including those that have built-in interpretation modules as well as those that don’t—such as Zoom, Interactio, Meet, Teams, StreamCast, YouTube, and Webex.
Feel free to book a call with one of our language strategy consultants to find out which one is the best fit for you.
Is there a delay?
The only perceptible delay is the same that exists for onsite simultaneous interpretation. When an interpreter is working he or she will follow a few words behind the speaker in order to correctly communicate the idea that is being developed.
How do you guarantee that there are no interruptions to the remote interpretation?
For quality reasons, we recommend a team of two interpreters for remote events, which is a standard best practice.
We’ve mastered contingency plans for all “worst case” scenarios: our interpreters have high-speed cabled internet, a UPS, connect via a second backup device should their main one fail, and join in advance of events for sound tests. Additionally, our tech team monitors language channels throughout your event.
Find out more.
Do you apply best practices for remote simultaneous interpretation?
In addition to following international guidelines for RSI, at interpretingco we have developed in-house stringent protocols and processes that each interpreter must comply with to ensure uninterrupted remote simultaneous interpretation. We also assign monitors to each session who are continuously tuned into interpretation channels, verifying sound quality, handovers, last minute requests, and resolving contingencies in a matter of seconds.
Additionally, we offer guidance on best practices for presenters so that all participants make the most of the information shared and ensure clean audio for our interpreters.
What should I take into account to ensure my remote event is impeccable?
There’s a lot to consider when managing multilingual events—it’s about much more than good audio. We’d be happy to take you through exactly what’s needed to make sure everything goes according to plan. Get in touch.
What are the minimum speaker requirements for simultaneous interpretation to work?
We’ll talk through exactly what your speakers need to participate and ensure everyone connected can hear them clearly, whether in the original language or via interpretation. Our handy patented speaker checklist perfectly preps you for the big day, and we can organize a rehearsal if needed to make sure everyone is up to speed. Work with the pros and then sit back and relax!
Just don’t forget to use a headset!
Can I get a recorded copy of the interpretation?
Recordings of the original audio and/or interpretation channels can be requested as an additional service. We take care of interpreter consent and cost or cost waiver is calculated based on the intended use of the recording (for example, for local internal training purposes vs international promotional material).
Sign language interpretation
Why should I include sign language interpretation in my event?
The UN Declaration on Rights of Disabled Persons and the UN 2030 Agenda speak of the importance of recognizing disabled persons (this includes deaf and hard of hearing individuals) as equal partners and for whom barriers to information and communication–amongst others–must be removed. In short, words and information are for everyone and sign language interpreting guarantees equal access to those who are deaf and hard of hearing at business meetings, conferences, community events, and public sector activities.
What’s more, in Colombia there is also specific legislation regarding public sector events where sign language interpreting is a legal obligation to ensure inclusion. To learn more, take a look here (information in Spanish).
Why are two sign language interpreters needed?
In accordance with international best practice, for events that last for more than 90 minutes, two interpreters are needed to ensure that communication runs seamlessly and without errors.
Having a team of two means that the interpreters can rest and avoid physical and mental fatigue, which can affect their performance, and also means that they can support one another to reduce the chance of omissions or mistakes. Additionally, sign language interpreting is a very physically demanding task and interpreters can end up suffering from chronic conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. Being able to take breaks mitigates the chance of this happening. Find out more.
What’s the right setup to ensure successful sign language interpretation?
“Signing involves not just broad arm and hand movements, but also many subtle clues and features, particularly involving fingers and lip and face movements and expressions, which must be clearly seen in order to understand the meaning” (National Disability Authority).
For onsite events, it’s important to think about where the interpreters will be located.
● Make sure there are no visual distractions (for example, windows behind the presenters and interpreters, lighting).
● Sign language interpreters should be located in a spot where they are clearly visible to all deaf and hard of hearing participants and at the same time the interpreters’ position shouldn’t get in the way of any visual aids used by presenters.
● Provide seats in the first row for sign language interpreters to interpret into spoken language when needed and for the standby interpreter. Spots in the front row should also be reserved for hard of hearing or deaf participants.
It’s also essential that signers be provided with a wireless microphone to interpret any contributions from deaf or hard of hearing participants/speakers and translation receivers (in the case of multilingual events) to ensure they can continue interpreting when speakers use a language they are not fluent in.
If the interpreter will be streamed, it’s recommended they stand against a green screen (chroma key) and that the signer “appear on the screen at a sufficient size and resolution to enable viewers at normal viewing distances to clearly see and accurately recognise all movements and facial expressions” (National Disability Authority).
If you are an event organizer interested in learning more, read on here.
Who are sign language interpreters?
Just as in the case of spoken language interpreters, sign language interpreters must be fluent in their source and target languages and have training and experience in high-level sign language interpretation. Individuals who work as sign language interpreters are often members of relevant organizations, individuals with disabilities, or relatives or partners of deaf or hard of hearing people.
What sign languages do you work with?
Can sign language interpreters provide remote interpretation services?
They certainly can! In addition to hardware and connectivity requirements that apply for spoken language interpreters, sign language interpreters need to have a hi-res camera and green screen setup for quality streaming. It’s also important for the tech team running the event and/or streaming setup to have experience with sign and thus ensure proper visibility at all times.
Equipment and software for simultaneous interpretation
Is equipment and/or software needed for simultaneous interpretation?
The short answer is… yes!
For onsite events in Colombia we offer portable, FM, and infrared equipment options as well as ISO 4043 compliant soundproof booths. The best option for you will depend on event location, number of participants, budget, confidentiality needs, and preferencesSee comparative table.
Additionally, we have a new, software-based alternative for onsite events where participants can use their mobile phones to tune into interpretation, instead of using traditional receivers. Find out more.
When it comes to remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI), video conferencing platforms (such as Zoom) and other software replace traditional hardware.
At interpreting we can provide any of the above options.
What are the different equipment options for onsite, remote, and hybrid events?
● For onsite events we offer infrared, FM, and portable equipment options. Find out more.
● For remote events we can help out with a number of video conferencing platforms or simultaneous interpretation software solutions. Find out more.
● An innovative alternative for onsite and hybrid events is an app where attendees can use their own cell phones as receivers to listen to interpretation in their preferred language. We tell you all about it here.
● Hybrid events may use a combination of the above options depending on the format, needs, and budget. Find out more or talk to one of our consultants to find the best fit.
Can you take care of equipment and installation?
Yes! We have equipment and technicians throughout Colombia to take care of equipment transport, setup, sound monitoring, and management during the event, as well as deinstallation when the event is over. Our staff will setup and test the day prior to the event, where possible, to make sure everything is working perfectly.
We also have a team of experienced sound and system engineers to manage and ensure successful remote and hybrid events, when there are several languages to account for.
How much space is needed for an interpretation booth?
Approximately two meters by two meters.
For locations with very limited space, a half booth that is installed on top of a desk can be used, but best practice is a full size booth whenever possible to ensure interpreter and participant comfort and proper soundproofing.
When can portable interpretation devices be used?
Portable devices are suitable for small delegations, tours, meetings, interviews, and field visits.
As their name suggests, they are completely mobile. Portable devices are suitable for use at small gatherings (max 40 participants).
Simultaneous interpretation app
Why use an interpretation app instead of traditional translation receivers?
Cutting-edge technology means event attendees can now use their own smartphones, tablets, or computers to tune into live interpretation. All they have to do is download the desktop or mobile phone app and have a set of headphones handy. This means no lining up or leaving an ID document behind to collect a receiver at onsite events, reduced costs for organizers, no biosecurity issues related to using equipment that’s been touched by others, and a reduced carbon footprint. What’s not to like? Find out more.
Is there a delay between the presenter speaking and the interpretation being heard?
There is no perceptible delay (average latency is a mere 0.2 seconds) when using the app. More tech specs.
The only perceptible delay is the same that exists for onsite simultaneous interpretation: when an interpreter is working he or she will follow a few words behind the speaker in order to correctly communicate the idea that is being developed.
How many languages can I have at my event?
The standard package covers up to 6 languages, but the interpretation app can support up to 25 languages at a time.
Can you provide simultaneous interpretation for multiple rooms or breakout rooms?
Yes! This is one of our app’s perks (Zoom currently does not work with simultaneous interpretation in breakout rooms). For configuration purposes, we ask you request this service in advance.
Is the app secure?
Yes. It uses DTLS and SRTP encryption and is fully compliant with information security standard ISO 27001 and General Data Protection Regulation (EU).
If needed, you can choose to add extra security based on your specific needs. SAML authentication (the process of verifying a user’s identity and credentials) can be implemented. This means you can send individual invites to participants and make sure that only the people you intended to give access to are able to connect.
Text translation
Why hire interpreting if I can just use Google Translate?
Despite vast improvements in Machine Translation in recent years, nothing beats a human–or team of people–to adequately and consistently interpret intent, context, and culture. We also conduct in-depth research where needed to ensure accurate, fluent translations. So if you care about the final product reflecting original intent and nuance, avoiding the risk of mistranslations, and ensuring readability, translations by human professionals are the way to go.
What types of files do you support?
We work with Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, and InDesign files. If you can provide us with an editable copy of your original document we can ensure faster turnaround and maintain the original formatting without any additional cost.
What is a regular turnaround time for translation?
The standard translation time for documents under 10 pages is 4 business days. Faster turnovers can be arranged upon request. Please note that an additional fee will be added to rush translations and delivery times will vary depending on the language pair requested.
For larger projects, delivery date is agreed on with the client on a case-by-case basis.
How much does a translation cost?
Translations are charged per word and the cost depends on the language pair needed. Official Colombian translations are an exception, where cost is calculated per page rather than per word.
Use our smart form to upload the document/s you need to translate and we’ll get back to you with a quote within 24 hours.
How do I count the words in my document?
PPT and Word display the word count as part of the document info so you can check the total number of words easily. If your original document is in another format we use software to determine the word count.
Use our smart form to upload the document/s you need to translate and we’ll get back to you with a quote within 24 hours.
Do you offer official, sworn translations?
We’ve got you. Your translation will be signed and sealed by an official translator who is certified by the Ministry of Justice, Universidad Nacional, or Universidad de Antioquia as per current legal requirements. The translation is then authenticated at a public notary’s office and mailed to your address.
A sworn or official translation is certified to be equivalent to the original source document and has the same legal value. This is often required for international paperwork, for example translating academic records and diplomas to enroll in studies abroad or translating birth and marriage certificates for visa requests.
Can you provide legalized/authenticated translations?
When required, our official translation service includes the authentication procedure (whereby an official translator’s signature is officially legalized or authenticated before a public notary in Colombia). This is often a requisite for official translations in Colombia for them to be considered valid. If you’re interested in the legislative nitty gritty check out this link (information in Spanish).
Can interpreting apostille translations?
Apostilles are provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and can be done online. Once your official translation has been completed and delivered by us, you can organize an apostille here.
Why is it so important to work with a native translator?
While translators must be fluent in and have mastery of both the source and target languages they work with, there is a reason why international best practice is for translators to be native speakers of the language they translate into. Many don’t follow this practice, but it makes a world of a difference in readability, ensuring fluent, natural-sounding translations in which all vital information is communicated to the target audience and that the resulting translation has the desired effect on readers.
When working with interpreting you can be confident your project will be translated by native translators.
Why is proofreading by an editor or second translator needed?
No matter how good a translator is, two sets of eyes are always better than one. We believe in going the extra mile to give our clients something they can be proud of. After harnessing the power of CAT tools and expert human translation, target texts go through a thorough editing process carried out by a second native translator. The mission is to make sure the target text reads like it was written in the target language and is well received by your target audience. This final revision by a peer makes a world of a difference.
Subtitling and transcription
What formats can interpreting deliver subtitles in?
We can deliver both open (burned-in) subtitles or closed, compatible with YouTube and Facebook, in the following formats: .mp4, .srt, .vtt, .sesx, .xml, .txt, or .fcpxml.
The most common format is .srt, a plain text file that contains both subtitles and their time stamps (which indicate the timing for a subtitle to appear and disappear). This closed format provides greater flexibility as the subtitles can be switched on and off (think Netflix) and the format can be adjusted (font, font size, and subtitle position, among others).
When you hire us for a subtitling project, you can choose the format you want your subtitles delivered in or request they be delivered in more than one format, at no additional cost. For example, we can deliver your subtitles in .srt (so they can be activated and deactivated, and uploaded to Facebook) and also in .mp4 with burned-in subtitles (so your subtitled video can be uploaded on your webpage and the subtitles be visible by default).
What formats can interpreting deliver transcripts in?
We can deliver transcripts in the following file types: docx, .txt, .srt, .vtt, and .pdf.
Can you subtitle for different languages and accents?
interpreting‘s team of transcriptionists and subtitle translators work in more than 20 languages and are hard wired to work in a wide variety of accents.
When it comes to subtitling and transcription, we first use AI and software to ensure efficiency and correct file management. Next, our native subtitlers and transcriptionists step in to make sure specific elements, such as accent and slang, are taken into account.
How much does subtitling and transcription cost?
Both subtitles and transcription are charged per minute of video. Cost will vary depending on the languages involved and discounts may be applied to longer videos or larger projects.
Are speakers identified in transcripts? Are timestamps included?
They can be. It’s your call as to whether or not you want speaker labels to be included in your transcript. The same goes for timestamps. You can choose to have timestamps placed per paragraph and/or in intervals between 5 seconds and 10 minutes.
How accurate are the transcripts?
We work with cutting-edge AI and native human transcriptionists to get the best of both worlds. Software and AI ensure that transcriptions can be prepared quickly and affordably, while multiple file formats can be managed and flexible timestamp options are available. Our human talent then steps in to ensure consistent quality across accents and slang, rendering context.
What’s the difference between subtitles and captions?
The two are similar in that both closed captions and subtitles are the text version of the spoken audio in a video. However, subtitles involve translating the video’s language into a target language/s while closed captions are in the same language as the audio.
What’s the difference between open and closed captions/subtitles?
Open (also called burned-in) captions can be switched on and off (think Netflix) while closed captions are embedded in the video itself and cannot be turned off.
Your go-to options may depend on where you plan to publish your video or who you plan to share it with. For example, burned-in may be a better choice if your subtitled video is going to be shared on a social network that doesn’t support subtitle files.
Remote and hybrid events
What is a remote event?
A remote event is one where 100% of the interlocutors—speakers and attendees alike—connect to an event, whether this be a conference, training session, or meeting, via an online platform (such as Zoom or Webex).
What is a hybrid event?
A hybrid event is one where an element of your event takes place onsite with a remote component. This could mean having your presenters giving their presentations from one centralized physical location with participants connecting remotely, your presenters connecting remotely to provide a training course to a group of onsite participants, or any combination of onsite and remote presenters and participants.
Two key requirements for a hybrid event to run smoothly is to ensure that audio is correctly captured for both onsite and remote participants so that everyone can clearly follow what is going on, as well as to have cameras set up for the onsite component for virtual participants to see what’s going on at the event location.
Regardless of whether your keynote speaker is connecting from a home computer in Japan to speak to participants in Latin America and the Caribbean or if you have onsite participants at a conference in the US broadcasting to Europe, we can find a way to make your hybrid event work.
Can everyone listen to the event in their own language?
Yes! Our conference interpreters and IT staff are experts at ensuring participants can communicate seamlessly regardless of the language they speak.
We’ve hosted and interpreted for multilingual meetings with participants speaking from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia simultaneously, with great success.
What information can you share with me after an event?
The exact details available will depend on the chosen event platform but can include the following:
- No. of attendees
- Attendees’ names and email addresses
- Attendees’ answers to customized questions
- Survey results
- No. of people who listened to each language channel
- Language specific recordings
- Meeting transcript in language/s of choice
- Chat transcript
- Attendee website forwarding
- Other event statistics
Can you stream a hybrid or remote event?
Yes! We can stream your event, in one or more languages, across social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, or to a dedicated page of your choosing.
We also offer a made-to-measure landing page to stream your remote or hybrid event with oft-needed, user-friendly features such as easy language selection, breakout room selection, shared chat, event sponsor visibility, and attendance certificate downloads.
Can interpreting take care of onsite production for hybrid events?
Yes, we can provide a variety of onsite solutions for multilingual events throughout Colombia, ensuring high-quality performance and seamless communication for both onsite and remote attendees. These services include, but are not limited to, interpreter booths, receivers, console, microphones, video beam, devices for digital<>analog audio conversion, cameras, sound technician, software, etc.).
Can I receive a recording of the event?
Yes, we offer recordings in your language/s of choice as an additional service for all hybrid, remote, and onsite events.
Should interpreters be onsite or connect remotely?
Both are possible! It all depends on event location and format.
If all participants will be connecting remotely (i.e., a remote event), we strongly suggest interpreters also connect remotely. This offers better interpreter availability, reduced equipment and travel costs, and ensures interpreters will be working in optimal conditions, with high-speed wired internet, and adequate soundproofing.
If your event is hybrid with both onsite and remote participants, we can work with you to determine the best option and decide whether interpreters should go to the event location or not.